,,(if: $visitforest is true)[You are back in the forest where you started, beside the [[human skeleton]].]
(if: $visitforest is false)[You are in a forest. You are standing beneath the dense fir trees which saved your life. Those same trees are blocking out much of the sunlight, and the whole place is steeped in a strange, grey twilight. Looking around, you jump and let out a little shriek. Nearby, sitting on the ground with its back to a tree is a [[human skeleton]].(set: $visitforest to true)]
You can either take [[the path to the south->cave]], the [[path to the east->ruined castle]], or [[the path to the south east->lake]].
(set: $location to "forest")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]The path passes beneath a cliff whose lumpen face rises high above you. At its base, you see a cave. A path leads [[north->forest]], another winds away across the moors to the [[north east->ruined castle]], there is a track to the [[east->lake]], and you can also go [[south->stones]]. Or should you [[go into the cave?->in cave]].(set: $location to "cave")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]The path leads up a hill where you find yourself standing among the craggy ruins of a castle. From the gorse and nettles clustered about their feet, the jagged remains of ancient walls rise. From their peaks, tufts of greenery sprout. A small, crooked tree has taken root up there, and rooks nest in its spindly fingers. The [[grass]] is thick and long, and stout [[bushes]] grow against the stones of the castle walls. Paths lead [[east->mountains]], [[south east->village]], [[south->lake]], [[south west->cave]], and to the [[west->forest]].
(set: $location to "castle")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]You are on the sandy shores of a lake. Several [[apple trees->appletrees]] grow here, and their fruit looks ripe and heavy. Beneath the sun, which is now high in the sky, the small waves shimmer like beaten metal. Despite the way your day began, you are now starting to feel that it's not such a bad one after all. This is a very pleasant place to be, and if you didn't have to find your way home, you would happily sit here relaxing beside the lapping lake in the shade of the apple tree. You wonder what to do. Perhaps you could [[have a swim->swim]], [[try and catch a fish->catchfish]] or just (if:$ants is true)[[[have another snooze in the sun, although that didn't end well last time->snooze]]] (if:$ants is false)[[[have a snooze in the sun->snooze]]].
(set: _rndfishing to (random:1,3))(If: _rndfishing is 3)[You notice something moving out on the lake. It's a long way off, but it appeared to be a black triangle on the water, like the sail of a small yacht. It was too small for that. Could it have been a shark fin?]
You can go [[north->ruined castle]], [[east->village]], [[south->bridge]], [[west->cave]] or [[north west->forest]].
(set: $location to "lake")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]You find the ground rising into colder air. Frost begins to twinkle on the stones and up ahead there is snow. The ground is growing steeper and more slippery by the moment and the freezing air burns your lungs. Other than the view behind you across the sunlit landscape with the dark forest in the distance, there is nothing of note to see here, and you are keen to return to warmer climes. (text-colour:orange)[(lose 10 Health Points)](set: $health to $health-10)You could choose to go [[west->ruined castle]] or [[south->village]].
(set: $location to "mountains")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)](if:$curselifted is false)[You find yourself in the cobbled market square of a small village. Crooked cottages of stone and thatch are huddled around the square, and in the middle of the square there is a [[tall, stone statue->statue]].
The whole place seems gloomy, as if a spell of sorrow has been cast upon it, a curse perhaps. There is no market taking place here, and the untrodden moss and weeds which clad the cobbles suggest there has been no such thing here for quite some time. The few villagers you can see have their heads down and appear to be shuffling aimlessly about the place, like lost wraiths.
There are fields of wheat beyond the cottages, but the wheat is thin and short. Sickly. But more sickly still are the sheep and goats in the fields and gardens; their wool is matted, their bodies scrawny, their eyes as glazed and gloomy as the eyes of the villagers which look at you as if pleading for your help, yet nobody speaks to you.]
(if:$curselifted is true)[You are in the bustling market square of the once-cursed village. Happy villagers are setting out their market stalls. The air bubbles with conversation, banter, barked instructions and rowdy laughter. In the middle of the square stands a tall statue of a man in long robes and stout books. In his outstretched hand, he is holding the golden acorn.]
Paths lead away from the village heading [[north->mountains]], [[north west->ruined castle]] and [[west->lake]].
(set: $location to "village")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)](if: $godreturned is true)[You are back at the [[standing stones->touchstone]]. There are no druids here, just a cold, whistling wind which makes the place feel lonely and a little bit sinister. Paths lead [[north->cave]] and [[east->bridge]].(set: $location to "stones")]
(if: $godreturned is false)[Ahead of you, there are some standing stones. You've heard of these ancient monuments but never seen one before in real life. It is a circle of huge pieces of rock standing on their ends, each one three times as tall as you. Moving around the stones, and uttering strange words which you cannot understand, are some druids, cloaked and hooded. These are people who worship ancient gods, and offer them sacrifices; sometimes, //human// sacrifices.
In the middle of the stone circle, there is a slab of stone different from the others: it is lying down, like a bed, and it is a strange, green type of stone. With horror, you realise this is their sacrificial altar.
They have seen you. Their leader, a stooping old man with a long white beard cascading down his front and ending in a small blue bead, is coming towards you now. He is pulling back his cloak and drawing from his belt a beautifully decorated golden dagger. A //sacrificial// dagger, you realise. (set: $location to "stones")
You wonder what to do. Should you [[try to speak to him->speaktodruid]], or [[run away->runawayfromdruid]]?
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and then click ‘Try it out’.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)](if: $mildred is false)[You find yourself on the edge of a deep, sheer-walled ravine. Cliffs plummet away beneath you to a tumbling river of white, foaming water far below, and you can feel a cool mist rising from it. Far to the east, beyond the ravine, you can see seaguls wheeling, and you can hear their cries. This suggests to you that there might be a village of some kind there, perhaps a fishing port, since you are now getting near to the sea. Maybe, if you can cross the ravine and reach the port, you'll be able to find a boat's captain who might take you back to your island.
Nearby, you see [[a rickety bridge->troll]] over the ravine. As you walk towards it, a gust of wind makes the bridge sway and creak. A piece of the hand rail falls off and drops into the ravine.
Paths lead away to the [[west->stones]], the [[north->lake]], and to the [[east, over the bridge.->troll]]]
(if: $mildred is true)[You are back at the rickety bridge over the ravine. Your new friend the troll greets you with one of its warm - if stinky - hugs, which you endure politely.
Paths lead away to the [[west->stones]], the [[north->lake]], and to the [[east, over the bridge towards the port.->port]]]
(set: $location to "bridge")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)](if:$light is true)[Fortunately, you still have the oil lamp with you, so you can [[venture further into the cave.->cave2]]]
(if:$light is false)[It is very dark in here. You soon find yourself bumping into stalagmites concealed in the gloom, and bashing your head on unseen stalactites. Perhaps you should [[leave the cave->cave]].]
(set: $location to "in cave")
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and then click ‘Try it out’.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health(if: $location is "bridge")[Your friend the troll holds the bridge steady for you as you cross.(set: $location to "port")]
You arrive in a bustling fishing port. The houses here are several stories high and built of red brick. You see washing lines strung between them above alleys which wind away from quayside. Fishing boats are huddled together inside the great curve of the harbour wall, and overhead, seagulls swoop and cry.
Equally as noisy are the fisherfolk, singing boisterous shanties as they unload the boxes filled with fish from their little boats. Perhaps you could [[ask one of them to take you home.->fisherman]]
There is only one road in and out of the village. It leads away to the [[west->port to bridge]].
(set: $location to "port")
(set: $input to "")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]In the leather bag on your belt, you have $inv.
(link-goto: "Exit inventory", (history:)'s last)(if:$acorn is false)[Bravely, you approach the skeleton. Moss and ivy are growing over and between its bones, and many spiders have built their webs between its ribs. Beside the skeleton is an old and ragged [[rucksack]].
You can either take [[the path to the south->cave]], the [[path to the east->ruined castle]], or [[the path to the south east->lake]].
[[Check your belongings]]]
(else:)[You've already examined the skeleton.
Your health: $healthAs you peer into the rucksack, (text-colour:orange)[a large rat leaps from it giving you nip on the nose and a nasty scare. (You lose 10 [[health points->healthpoints]])(set: $health to $health-10)] It seems to be just as scared as you though, judging from the shriek it makes, and, as you rub your sore nose, it runs off into the shadows of the forest. As your heart rate settles, you take another look inside the rucksack. At first, all you can see - and smell - is the rotten remains of whatever the unfortunate adventurer had packed for his or her lunch, which is now just a mouldy, matted mass. But there is something there among the mess. It looks like an acorn.
[[Take the acorn]]
[[Leave it->forest]]
(set: $health to $health-10)
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $healthReaching into the rucksack, you extract the acorn from the decay which surrounds it. The acorn is heavy, and as you draw it from the darkness of the rucksack, you see that it appears to be made of gold. Even the forest's pale twilight glints and sparkles on the acorn's shiny surface. Imagining that it might be worth something, you put the acorn into the leather pouch on your belt.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$acorn is false)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "a golden acorn"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "nothing"))
(set: $acorn to true)]You are woken by your little dog, Snowy, licking your face. You laugh and push him away. Glancing around your hut, you can see that your mother and father are still asleep. There is a fuzz of sunlight in the gaps around the door though. The fire in the middle of the floor is still glowing, and you place a log on it to make the hut warm for your parents. You open the door and head outside. Snowy runs ahead of you, yapping. You shush him, but it's no good. You're awake so it's time to play!
You and snowy run between the huts and up onto the slopes above the village. Snowy finds the perfect throwing-stick, and you send it spinning through the air for him. He races joyfully after it, bringing it back to you time and time again, until...
You raise your arm for an almighty Snowy-pleasing throw, but something grabs you by the shoulders. It feels like two enormous hands, but looking up, you see it is a giant eagle who has seized you in his claws! The eagle beats its wing and hoists you into the sky. You shriek and struggle, but it's no good. The eagle has you. Beneath you, Snowy is barking madly. You drop the stick, and Snowy catches it and runs off. It seems he cares little for your plight as long as he has his stick!
The village, and the island on which it sits, is now far below you, and the cold, damp air is wrapping itself around you. But that is the least of your worries. A giant eagle is taking you home for its young. They will eat your innards, and quite probably your outards too.
Soon, the eagle is carrying you out over the grey sea, leaving your island behind you. You don't know what to do. Struggle? But if you break free... From this height, the fall would be fatal, even over water. You have no choice but to let the eagle carry you. Soon, the mainland comes into view. There is the fishing port which you have heard of but, never having left the island before, you've not seen it for yourself. How tragic that your first sight of it should be on your way to certain death.
The eagle carries you over the land towards the dark forest in the north west. Soon, it is swooping low over the pine trees. This must be where it has its eyrie. But just then, your fortunes change. You had not noticed how dark the sky had become. A sudden flash of brilliant white light dazzles you, and a ferocious boom splits your ears. Looking up, you can see that the eagle has let you go! It has been struck by lightning. You watch it veer away leaving a trail of smoke in the air as it heads for a crash landing somewhere in the forest. That's the good news.
The bad news is that you are falling.
Plummeting, even.
The forest is racing up to meet you and there's nothing you can do.
Down into the trees you plunge.
It is a stroke of luck that the forest is so dense and the fur trees are so close together. Their springy branches are angled downwards, overlapping with neigbouring trees in such a way that there is no space between them, just a tunnel of bendy branches which slow your fall and drag you to a halt. It's like falling into the sleeve of a woolly jumper. With your feet just inches above the ground, you stop. You wriggle free of the trees, and find yourself standing on the forest floor, shocked, afraid, scratched and bruised, but alive.
You can hardly believe your luck.
All you have to do now is find your way home. That, however, could be easier said than done.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health out of 100
(set: _rndCastleGrass to (random:1,2))(If: _rndCastleGrass is 2)[You rumage in the grass. I'm not sure why. Perhaps you are hoping to find something, but there's nothing here except for soil and snails... And a snake! Before you can pull your hand away, it has sunk its fangs into your finger.(text-colour:orange)[(You lose 20 [[health points->healthpoints]])(set: $health to $health-20)]]
(If: _rndCastleGrass is 1)[You rumage in the grass. I'm not sure why. Perhaps you are hoping to find something, but there's nothing here except for soil and snails.]
[[Done->ruined castle]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health(if:$box is false)[You peer into the bushes. Maybe you're not the first traveller to pass through here, and perhaps someone might have left something useful behind. Your search is rewarded. Beneath a bush you see a [[clay oil lamp and a small, metal box->box]].]
(else:)[You've already examined the bushes.
Paths lead [[west->forest]], [[south->lake]], [[south west->cave]], [[south east->village]], [[east->mountains]] and to the [[south->lake]]. The [[grass]] is thick and long, and stout bushes grow against the stones of the castle walls.]
[[Done->ruined castle]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $healthYou pick up the clay oil lamp. It could be useful, so you put it in your pouch. You examine the box. It is old and tarnished, and very plain, its grey pewter sides held together with rusting rivets. It has a [[hinged lid->boxlid]].
[[Done->ruined castle]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$lamp is false)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "an oil lamp"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "nothing"))
(set: $lamp to true)]
Cautiously, you pop open the lid. Inside, you can see a piece of flint and a small lump of metal all nestling in a bundle of dry grass. This is a tinder box. You are reminded of the times you have joined your father on a hunting expedition into the highlands of the island where you live. Camping overnight, you needed a fire, so your father would open his tinder box, strike the metal against the flint to create a spark which would ignite the tinder - the dry grass - which he would then use to light the camp fire. This could come in handy. You tuck it into the pouch on your belt.
[[Done->ruined castle]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$box is false)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "an old tinder box"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "nothing"))
(set: $box to true)]
{(if:$location is "in cave")+(if:$input contains "lamp")+(if:$lamp is true)[Using the tinder box, you light the oil lamp. [[Continue->cave2]] (set:$light to true)]
(else-if:$location is "village")+(if:$input contains "acorn")+(if:$acorn is true)[You place the acorn between the finger and thumb of the statue. It clicks into place as if it was meant to be there.(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "acorn"))[[Continue->Village2]]]
(else-if:$location is "bridge")+(if:$doll is true)+(if:$input is "doll")[The only thing you can think of is to offer the troll the little, ragged doll which the old lady in the village gave you.[[Continue->mildred]]]
(else-if:$location is "bridge")+(if:$doll is false)+(if:$input is "doll")[You don't have one of those. [[Continue->runawayfromtrollnodoll]]]
(else-if:$location is "port")+(if:$coins is true)+(if:$input contains "coins" or "coin" or "money" or "cash" or "silver coin" or "silver coins" or "silver")[The fisherman takes your money and welcomes you aboard his boat. (set: $inv to $inv - (a: "a silver coin"))[[continue->onboat]]]
(else-if: $location is "stones")+(if: $statue is true)+(if: $input contains "god" or "statue" or "squirrel")[You pull the squirrel-sized statue from your pouch and hold it before you. [[continue->showingstatue]]]
(else-If: $location is "mountains")[You get the feeling there is absolutely nothing to do in this snowy wasteland so you'd better stop wasting your time. [[continue->mountains]]]
(else-if: $location is "lake")+(if: $box is true)+(if: $input contains "tinderbox" or "lamp" or "oil lamp" or "box")[You use the tinderbox to light a small fire, just enough to cook your fish. You already know which fish are safe to eat and which are not. These are the safe variety, thankfully, and you devour them hungrily. (text-colour:lime)+(if:$health <100)[(Gain 30 Health Points!)](set:$health to $health + 30)
(else:)[[I'm afraid that's not possible.](link-goto: "Done", (history:)'s last)]}
Your health: $health
With the flickering flame from the oil lamp throwing black shadows around the cave walls, you pick your way inside. Water drips from unseen cracks in the rock, and the stalagmites and stalactites glisten in the lamp light.(set: $location to "cave2")
(if: $statue is false)[Something catches your eye. In a shadowy nook which your flame's glow can barely reach, two tiny twinkles of light wink at you. Stepping closer, you begin to make out a small statue, about the size of a squirrel. It is made of a strange green stone, and its eyes are glass beads in which the light of the flame sparks and dances.
But further away in the darkness, the lamp light catches two more glassy objects. Is there another, larger statue there? It's too dark to tell, but the eyes of the larger statue - if that's what it is - seem to blink, and they rise upwards in the darkness as if it is a beast getting to its feet...
Now you can hear breathing, and you can smell the breath of something living. It is certainly no statue. Do you have time to grab the squirrel-sized statue before you make your escape?
[[Grab the green, squirrel-sized statue->escapebear]]]
(if: $statue is true)[You can hear the snorting of an angry bear. You've already disturbed him once. Now you know you are really pushing your luck...]
[[Confront the monster...->attackbear]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $metbear to true)At first, nothing seems to happen. But then, it is as if the sun has come out. A warm, golden light seems to spread outwards from the statue until the whole village is illuminated by it. It's just sunlight, but the village had been in shadow until now, even though the sky was cloudless and blue. (text-colour:lime)[(Gain 20 Health Points!)](if: $health<100)[(set: $health to $health + 20)]
Looking around, you see the people straightening their backs. Some begin to smile; some laugh. They greet each other like old friends who have been apart for years, hugging, shaking hands, slapping each other on the back. You can hear them crying joyously, some breaking into song, some dancing.
You notice that the wheat in the fields has straightened, like the people, and is suddenly growing tall and golden, and the sheep and goats look strong and healthy.
From one of the cottages, an old woman emerges. She looks up at the sky and stretches out her arms. Then she comes running over to you, beaming. Her face is lined with age but she appears nimble and youthful.
"My dear friend," she cries as she approaches. "You have returned the golden acorn to its rightful place! I cannot thank you enough. You see? You have lifted the curse from our village." She gestures around her at the happiness on the faces of the people. "A year ago, a mischievous traveller stole many treasures from this land. We do not know what became of the traveller, or whence they came, but they caused great suffering. You have returned the acorn and ended the suffering here, and for that we are ever grateful.
"Our village is happy now, but we are poor. We have little of any value with which to repay you, but I can give you this." From beneath her cloak she produces a [[small doll made of stitched fabric->getdoll]], ragged but colourful. "It's not much, but the traveller I mentioned gave it to me in payment for food, so it must have some value. Perhaps you can make use of it, or return it to its rightful owner."
(set:$curselifted to true)(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "a golden acorn"))
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health Whether you are being brave or foolish, I don't yet know, but instead of running from the beast you have disturbed, you stoop to collect the small statue which you hurriedly shove into the leather pouch on your belt. In the lamp light, the angry eyes watch you...(set: $location to "escapebear")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$statue is false)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "a squirrel-sized statue"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "nothing"))
(set: $statue to true)]You take your chance and race out of the cave, ducking under low, jutting spikes of rock and weaving between the stalagmites. Behind you, the bear is giving chase. It knows this cave well, and has no trouble dodging the obstacles which slow your progress. Out of the cave you hurtle, into the blinding sunlight. For a moment, you are dazzled, but you are panicking so you hurtle onwards, oblivious to where you are going. At last, your eyes adjust to the daylight, and you realise that the sun is high and warm, the sky is blue and peaceful, and the only noise disturbing the tranquility of the scene is you, screaming.
You glance behind you and see that the grumpy cave bear whose sleep you had disturbed is now heading back inside. Relieved, you stop running and try to recover your breath.(set: $location to "justrun")
(if:$light is true)[You extinguish the oil lamp and put it back in your pouch.](Set:$light to false)
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
Are you mad? It's a cave bear, a huge brute of a thing! It comes towards you and the lamp light shows you its teeth - fangs as big as bananas - and its slavering tongue which lolls hungrilly from its snarling lips. Its eyes are locked on you...(set: $location to "attackbear")
[[Throw the lamp at the bear!->throwlamp]]
[[Curl up and play dead!->playdead]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $healthLike some sort of lunatic, you hurl the oil lamp at the bear, but the flame sputters out before it even reaches its target. Now you are in total darkness, and you can hear the bear's angry growl warning you to get out of its cave. (if:$statue is false)[As you turn away, you slip on a wet rock and suddenly find yourself crashing to the ground. It hurts, but, by a stunning coincidence, your hand has landed on a rock which appears to be about the size of a squirrel... It's the statue you saw just before the bear appeared. Knowing this might be your only chance, you stuff the statue into your pouch.] And then, wisely, you [[run->Justrun!]].(set: $location to "throwlamp")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $lamp to false)(set:$light to false)(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "an oil lamp"))(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "an old tinder box"))
(if:$statue is false)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "a squirrel-sized statue"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "nothing"))
(set: $statue to true)]What? Do you really think lying on the floor is a good idea when a hungry bear is about to eat you? It may look stupid, but it is not fooled by that old trick! It leaps on you, and its roaring fills your ears. You are sure it is about to sink its teeth into you, but suddenly it backs off. You remember that you still carry the strong smell of eagle feet. Giant eagles and cave bears are old enemies. A giant eagle can dive down and grab a bear for its dinner as easily as a hawk can catch a mouse. The bear is afraid of you.(set: $location to "playdead")
(if:$statue is false)[[Grab the statue->escapebear]]
[[Just run!->Justrun!]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
In the middle of the cobbled market square stands a tall, stone statue of a man in long robes and stout boots. One of his arms is extended as if he was holding something up for others to see. His hand is empty, but his forefinger and thumb are a short distance apart, as if there was once something held between them.
(set: $input to "")
^^Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and click 'Try it out...'^^
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
[[Done->village]] You thank the lady and take the doll. You notice that it smells slightly of cheese. You doubt it is worth anything at all, but you take it anyway, out of politeness. You squeeze it into your pouch.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $location to "village")
(if:$doll is false)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "a ragged doll which smells of cheese"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "nothing"))
(set: $doll to true)]You wade out into the inviting waves, enjoying the fresh, cleansing sensation. You swim away from the shore feeling the chill as you reach deeper, darker waters. It's a pleasant experience, and you feel revived, as if the lake has some sort of healing power. (text-colour:lime)+(if:$health < 100)[(Gain 10 Health Points! (up to 100 max))(set: $health to $health + 10)]
(set: _rndatlake to (random:1,3))
(if: _rndatlake is 3)[However, as you return to the shore, you become aware of something behind you. You look over your shoulder and see the fin of a shark. But this is no normal shark. You have heard of these monstrous creatures. They spit a deadly poison! You put your head down and swim for all you are worth. Behind you, the shark opens its huge jaws revealing three rows of deadly teeth! You reach the shore and pull yourself from the water, but a jet of poison slaps across your back. You fall to the ground and roll in the sand. The shark, disappointed not to have caught you in the water, turns away and swims back out to the depths. You know the poison should kill you, but there is something about this lake. You are still wet from its healing waters, so, though the poison stings, it doesn't kill you. (text-colour:orange)[(Lose 5 Health Points!)](set: $health to $health - 5)]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]
You manage to make a fishing rod from a long stick and a length of thread from your torn shirt. The hook you make from the thorny fronds of a nearby bush. Soon, you have caught several small fish. You are used to fishing. There is a river on the island where you live and you often spend the afternoon there, catching supper for you and your parents. All you need now is a fire so you can cook them.
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and then click ‘Try it out’.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
(set: _rndfishing to (random:1,3))
(If: _rndfishing is 3)[You notice something moving out on the lake. It's a long way off, but it appeared to be a black triangle on the water, like the sail of a small yacht. It was too small for that. Could it have been a shark fin?]
Health: $health
You lie back on the golden sand, and soon begin to drift off. You dream of giant eagles and thunder storms, and are soon woken by a prickly sensation. Sitting up sharply, you notice that you are covered in tiny ants. They seem to be biting you with needle-sharp teeth. Frantically, you brush them off, scooping up water from the lake to wash them away. Going to sleep was not such a good idea after all. (text-colour:orange)[(Lose 10 Health Points)]
(set: $health to $health - 10)(set: $ants to true)
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]
(if: $trollawake is true)[As you make your way to the bridge, you look around for signs of the troll. The only sign of it having been there is the set of deep, four-toed footprints in the mud. Perhaps you could run across the bridge before it re-emerges. You don't want to get eaten, but you do want to get home.
It's too late. As you prepare to dash across the rickety bridge, the troll leaps up from beneath it, and the ground shakes as it lands before you, blocking your way. You gaze up at the huge beast. Its body is covered in thick, spiny hair from which large rats peer at you. Its arms are as thick as the boughs of an oak tree, and its mouth is a mass of blunt, stubby teeth which lean in different directions like ancient grave stones.
The troll does not attack you. Not yet, anyway. Instead, it speaks. Its voice is surprisingly high and gentle.
"Have you got my Mildred?" it asks, and the sorrow in the voice is enough to make your fear drain away. "Have you got my Mildred?"
You don't know what a 'Mildred' is, but maybe there's something you could try. Or perhaps it's time to [[run away.->runawayfromtroll]]
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and then click ‘Try it out’.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health]
(if:$trollawake is false)[Bravely, you head towards the rickety bridge, but, before you reach it, something huge leaps up from the ravine. The ground shakes as it lands before you, blocking your way. You gaze up at the beast. Its body is covered in thick, spiny hair from which large rats peer at you. Its arms are as thick as the boughs of an oak tree, and its mouth is a mass of blunt, stubby teeth which lean in different directions like ancient grave stones. It is a troll.
The troll does not attack you. Not yet, anyway. Instead, it speaks. Its voice is surprisingly high and gentle.
"Have you got my Mildred?" it asks, and the sorrow in the voice is enough to make your fear drain away. "Have you got my Mildred?"
You don't know what a 'Mildred' is, but maybe there's something you could try. Or perhaps it's time to [[run away.->runawayfromtroll]]
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and then click ‘Try it out’.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health]The tension is too great. You turn and run. Which path will you take? The one to the [[west->stones]], or the one to the [[north->lake]]? You can't go east because the troll is blocking the bridge.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $trollawake to true)
You pull it from your pouch. As you do so, the troll's eyes light up - all three of them (although one of them seems to be looking in a totally different direction). The troll's huge, wet mouth falls open and it says, "Oh, my Mildred! You've found my Mildred!" With that, the troll throws its huge arms around you and pulls you into an affectionate hug, burrying your face in its rat-infested fur which stinks of cheese and cabbages. When it has held you there for so long that you feel you are about to pass out, it releases you. "Thank you so much, my friend," says the troll, taking the doll - Mildred - from you. "Thank you. Some time ago, a mischievous traveller stole Mildred from me. What a heartless thing to do. I was lost without my Mildred, but you have returned her to me. We shall be friends forever." You give the troll an awkward smile. Perhaps it will let you [[cross the bridge->crossbridge]] now. (set: $doll to false)(set: $mildred to true)(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "a ragged doll which smells of cheese"))
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
You gesture nervously towards the bridge. "Be my guest," says the troll. "It won't take your weight though, but don't worry, I'll hold it up for you." Hugging poor Mildred into its stinky fur, the troll bids you farewell, climbs down over the edge of the ravine and under the bridge. There, with its huge arms, it holds the bridge steady for you as you cross. Looking down, between the slats of the bridge you can see the troll's eyes looking up at you, and you see kindness in them. Beyond the troll, at the bottom of the ravine, you can see the raging waters. But, with the troll's help, you cross safely.(set: $location to "crossbridge")
You can now [[continue east->port]], or go back over the bridge and head [[north->lake]] or [[west->stones]].
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
You head west, back towards the rickety bridge over the ravine. The troll greets you with another stinky hug. You think it would be impolite to object, so you allow it to squeeze your face into its cheesy fur. Then, it holds the bridge for you once more, allowing you to cross safely.
Once back on the other side, you can take the path to the [[north->lake]], or the track to the [[west->stones]]. Or you could even change your mind and go back [[east, to the port->port]].
(set: $location to "bridge")
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $health to $health-2)
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]You don't know what it wants, and you fear that what it wants is dinner. That is something you don't want to become. You turn and run. Thankfully, the troll doesn't follow.
Paths lead away to the [[west->stones]] and the [[north->lake]].You can't go east because the troll is blocking the bridge.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(set: $trollawake to true)You approach the boats.
"Ello," says one of the fishermen. "We're not looking for workers, if that's what you're here for."
"No," you say, "I'm not." You explain your situation as quickly as you can.
"Alright, alright," the fisherman says. "Had a bad day, eh? Well, I might be heading out near that island this afternoon, but nothing's free round here. You need to pay your way. Do you have any money?"
(if: $coins is false)[You check your pouch, but you already know you won't find any coins in there. "No," you reply.
"Well, come back when you've got some," the fisherman says and he turns away. Clearly you won't be getting a ride on his boat just yet. Dejected, you walk away.
You could [[ask another fisherman->anotherfisherman]], or perhaps [[try offering to run errands for people, for a fee.->errands]]]
(if: $coins is true)[(set: $input to "")
^^Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do, and click 'Try it out...'^^
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
Or maybe you'd prefer to [[ask another fisherman->anotherfisherman]], or perhaps [[try offering to run errands for people, for a fee.->errands]]]
To the [[west->port to bridge]], the road leads out of the village and back towards the bridge.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if: $askanotherfisherman is false)[You try several other fisherfolk around the port, and are greeted with the same response each time. None of them will let you board their boat unless you can pay.(set: $askanotherfisherman to true)]
(if: $askanotherfisherman is true)[You have tried this enough times to know it's a futile exercise. You need to find some money.]
You could still [[try offering to run errands for people, for a fee.->errands]]
To the [[west->port to bridge]], the road leads out of the village and back towards the bridge. Or, if you have found any money, you could go back to the [[boats->fisherman]] and try again.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health(if: $offererrands is false)[You walk around the village stopping everyone you see and offering to run an errand or do a job for them, but everyone is either too busy to pay you any attention, or too poor to pay you. This isn't a particularly friendly place.(set: $offererrands to true)]
(if: $offererrands is true)[You can only see the same people you've already asked, and some of them warn you off with a nasty glare. There's no point trying again. You need to find some money.]
You could [[try asking more of the fisherfolk if they'll take you for free.->anotherfisherman]]
To the [[west->port to bridge]], the road leads out of the village and back towards the bridge. Or, if you have found any money, you could go back to the [[boats->fisherman]] and try again.
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health "Wait!" you call, not quite able to keep the nervousness from your voice. But it makes no difference. All the druids have seen you now, and they all draw their daggers. They are chanting spells or songs which you cannot understand, and they appear to be in some sort of trance. They are coming towards you now, and you can see what is going to happen. You don't want to be their next sacrifice, so you have only one choice. [[You have to run away!->runawayfromdruid]]
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
You turn and run, stumbling away over the lumpy grass. Glancing behind you, you see that the druids seem to have lost interest and are returning to their stones.
^^//Do you have anything in your pouch which you could use? Type it in the box if you do.//^^
(set: $input to "")
(input-box:2bind $input,"=XX=","")[[Try it out...]]
Paths lead to the [[north->cave]] and [[east->bridge]]. You have no idea if it will interest the druids, but you don't know what else to do. As soon as the lead druid claps eyes on it, he stops and stares as if it is the most wonderful thing he has ever seen. Just the sight of it seems to break the druids' trance, and they all stop and rub their eyes, sliding their daggers back into their scabbards. "Oh my wonderful friend," the lead druid says to you in a soft, warm voice. "You have found it! The ancient statue of the Old Gods. Many months ago, some mysterious and mischievous traveller stole it from us, I don't know why. But you have returned it, and now we can commune with the Old Gods once more! Here, I have this silver coin. It is of little use to me, but you might find value in it. Take it." With one hand, he relieves you of the statue, and with the other, he thrusts the coin at you. You take it, and put it into your pouch. The druids return to their stones, and as you watch, they seem to vanish, like mist. You are alone.
Paths lead [[north->cave]] and [[east->bridge]].
(set: $statue to false)(set: $godreturned to true)(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "god"))
(set: $inv to $inv - (a: "a squirrel-sized statue"))
(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "a silver coin"))
(set: $coins to true)
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $healthHe fires up the boat's little steam engine and soon you are chugging out of the harbour. With the port now behind you, he unfurls the sails and lets the wind do the work. Only now do you realise how exhausted you are. The rocking of the waves sends you to sleep. When you awake, the fisherman is carrying you through waist-deep waves and up onto the beach which you you know so well because this is the beach you have spent so much of your life playing on. The fisherman puts you down. "Phooo," he says, screwing up his nose. "What you been doing? Hugging a troll?" You smile. The beach is deserted, but the fisherman puts his hands to his mouth and gives a loud shout of "Hello!" Soon, your family and friends are running towards you, their arms open wide. Snowy is charging along behind them, his tiny legs moving so fast they have become a blur. Everyone stops dead when they get within smelling range, of course, but they cry tears of joy, delighted to have you back. Your mum thanks the fisherman and offers him a meal, which he declines. "Most kind of you," he says, "But I have to be getting back." Then he turns to you and says, "Congratulations, young adventurer. You are home."
THE END(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[#An Unwanted Adventure
A text adventure by
Antony Wootten]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X=")[//This is a very simple text adventure with only 9 locations, specifically designed to introduce children to the concepts of Interactive Fiction, with a view to them making their own adventures for others to enjoy!//]
(set: $visitforest to false)
(set: $acorn to false)
(set: $coins to false)
(set: $doll to false)
(set: $box to false)
(set: $lamp to false)
(set: $statue to false)
(set: $bridge to false)
(set: $health to 80)
(set: $light to false)
(set: $curselifted to false)
(set: $ants to false)
(set: $metbear to false)
(set: $trollawake to false)
(set: $mildred to false)
(set: $askanotherfisherman to false)
(set: $offererrands to false)
(set: $runawayfromdruids to false)
(set: $godreturned to false)
(set: $inv to (a: "nothing"))Health Points are what you can see at the bottom of each screen, telling you how much health you have remaining. You lose Health Points just from walking about because you gradually become tired and hungry. There are lots of other things in this adventure which can damage your health, but a few things that can heal you too. But be careful, the results will not always be the same twice!
Your health: $health
(set: _rndatstones to (random:1,3))
You walk over the to stones. As you approach them, you feel strangely dizzy, and the ground seems to tilt. You stagger, and slap your hand against the side of a stone to stop yourself falling over.
(if:_rndatstones is 1 or 2)[As you do so, you feel a calm warmth flood through you. You don't feel so hungry anymore, or tired, and the pain from your scratches and bruises seems to be eased a little. (text-colour:orange)[(Gain 10 Health Points!)]
(if:$health < 100)[(set: $health to $health + 10)]]
(if:_rndatstones is 3)[A bolt of lightning smashes down from the sky striking the green stone altar in the centre of the circle. A powerful energy knocks you off your feet. (text-colour:orange)[(Lose 5 health points!)](set: $health to $health - 5)]
[[Check your belongings]]
Your health: $health
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]
The apples look plump and tasty, but it's not just you who likes the look of them. Wasps are buzzing around the trees looking for apples to eat. You could [[risk taking one->apples]], or [[leave them to the wasps->lake]].
Your health: $health
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]
(set: _wasps to (random:1,3))
(if: _wasps is 1 or 2)[You wait until there are not so many wasps around, and grab an apple. It is ripe and comes away easily. You bite into it, and its sweet juice seems to fill your head with joy. (text-colour:lime)+(if:$health<100)[(Gain 10 Health Points!)(set: $health to $health+10)]]
(if: _wasps is 3)[You wait until there are not so many wasps around, and grab an apple. It is ripe and comes away easily. You are just about to bite into it when a wasp crawls into view. You throw the apple away, but the wasp is angry. Before you know it, it has stung you on the neck. You stagger away from the apple trees rubbing the tiny yet painful wound. Perhaps you'll have another go in a few minutes. (text-colour:orange)[(Lose 5 Health points!)](set: $health to $health-5)]
Your health: $health
(if:$health < 50)[You are becoming tired and hungry, and your cuts and bruises are taking their toll.]
(if:$health < 10)[You cannot go on any longer without any food or rest. You collapse on the ground right where you are. Some time later, you awake, still hungry, but feeling a little brighter after your nap. (set:$health to $health + 50)]